Blog Post #3 unit 2

Today’s blog post is about chapter five in my English book “The Composition of Everyday life”. Chapter five discusses analyzing concepts. In the beginning of the chapter it gives you some great examples of how certain things are analyzed differently, such as how the concept of “president” changed due to scandals like the Watergate scandal involving President Nixon or the Monica Lewinsky scandal involving President Clinton. This chapter helps you analyze a certain concept, develop an explanation, and communicate your ideas through your writing. In this chapter there are three reading that we are required to read also. The first reading is “World Gone Mad” written by Derrick Jensen. His story gives a situation on “sociopathic” behavior and show how it relates to our way or life. An example of this is how sensitive are we, the members of this culture, to consequences of destroying forests, grasslands, oceans etc  and global warming. This relates because a sociopath is someone said to willfully harm without remorse, but do we not tear down habitats, and loiter without remorse.The second reading was “Black like I thought I was” written by Erin Aubry Kaplan. This story talks about how grounded assumptions about race can be shattering. This story describes how a man thought to always be black but just a lighter shade, found out he had not 1% of black blood in him. The last story “The Real, the Bad, and the Ugly by Cassie Heidecker is about differences among reality, realism, and realistic,and shows how reality TV gives a view of everyday lives.

Blog post #2 unit 2

Today’s blog post is about a reading that I was assigned in English class. The reading is called “Oh, Crap, I’ve Got an Essay Due for English.” The reading starts out describing a scenario with you and a writing assignment that you have in class. In week one you get the assignment sheet. In week two your professor asks  if you have any questions, but as the book says you nod negatively. By week three you have you have a peer review starts for class, but u still haven’t read the assignment sheet, so you bring something you think is ok. Week four you turn in three pages, unstapled to your professor. She asks “if that’s all” and you say “yes,” wondering what does she mean? She gives you the second assignment sheet, and you just stick it in your backpack.Week five and you get your first graded assignment with a non-passing grade wondering why? You talk with her after class and she tells you that you did not meet all the requirements for the assignment and didn’t follow the guidelines. Week six you look at the assignment sheet, and figure you’ve got the main points. Week seven your teacher asks for a outline and your shocked talking about “what outline?” , she says “the one on your assignment sheet” “uh-oh.” The reading then gives you a few tips on how you could have fixed this problem. The book gives some really good pointer, like for starters you should not skim over the assignment, read the assignment, ask questions to make sure you fully understand. Second know whats expected of you as a student. Third, invest in the classroom, taking ownership of your part. Fourth ask questions when help is needed or for clarification, which to me is a HUGE part. Finally participate, participate, participate. I think that all of these are great tips and really help.

Blog Post #1 unit 2

Chapter four of my English book “The Composition of everyday Life” was very interesting to me. This chapter of the book talked about observing. I’m pretty sure everyone knows what observing is, but this chapter of the book teaches you how to look or observe things differently. This chapter teaches you to look at things not in a normal way, but in a way where you find something unique or particular about a subject. As the books says “careful observers go beyond the casual glance; they study their subjects and learn something by seeing them in a particular way.” This statement really caught my attention, because when I am in class or doing work, or mostly anything for that matter I try to really look at things. I don’t look at things for just what they are, I try to find particular or unique things about subjects and things. There were two readings in the chapter to read. The first was “The Front Porch” , a story written by Chester McCovey. His story was about observing and how you could explore why observation matters through analysis. The second story was “Corpse Colloquy” , written by Justin Scott. Justin’s essay is a little different and goes a little more in depth about observing.This essay really shows how you can go beyond mere description. In his essay he helps the readers see cemeteries different and as the book says, “as the key to a more exposed and fulfilling life.”

Blog Post #4

I feel as though i did pretty well on the last essay, especially considering its my first in college. I do not really have any problems on campus yet. I hope to not come across any either but if there is an obstacle in my way I will fight through it. My current community or dorm that I live in is a pretty good place to live. I don’t have any problems other than the fact that I think the rooms in the dorm (the courtyards) should be separated to allow each roommate more privacy, as they have some set up like that in warhawk hall. I also think that a microwave should be provided for all dorms being that it is pretty essential. Ever had a pizza but couldn’t warm it up, then ya you know lol. Well I like to think that I am a pretty great listener to people and really good at taking in and understanding what they are talking about or how they are feeling about a situation. Also my ability to persuade, I think that would be my field of expertise. The English 1010 class is ok and pretty straight forward but I go think that it requires a bit much. I know you have to adapt though, but I am not used to things such as posting weekly on twitter. That would be one part of the class that I am pretty unsuccessful at, but Ill just have to work through it.

Blog post #2

Hello World! Well for starters there aren’t to many commercials that I like, but their are a few. This one commercial that I’ve seen really trips me out every time. If you’ve ever seen the sun drop commercial then you know exactly what i mean lol. The thing that catches my attention every time is when the commercial randomly comes on with the sun drop theme song. Then you just see somebody wit a green shirt, short shorts,and a headband on come out the blue dancing, or as some would call it “twerking”. The ads that i feel most appeal to me are the ones about sports and new food that comes out. I like the sports commercials because I try to keep up with whats happening in the sports world. As for the new food lol I may look skinny but I love to eat, I mean it is how we survive anyway. I think that I am a pretty laid back funny chill kinda guy. Others might not see me like that just by looking, although I hope they don’t think I am just mean, but i bet once they get to really know me all their negative will hopefully leave, but you know how people are now these days. Sorry that i could not upload any pictures,my computer wouldn’t let me add any in but i hope that you enjoyed reading my blog post.

As i went on to google to search my name i did not find anything about myself but a bunch of other people who werent me and a couple of random pictures.